How to Prevent Young People from Joining Gangs
Date:  09-17-2013

Evidence-based prevention measures offered by top experts in public health and public safety
Release from the National Institute of Justice 9-17-13:

Today, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership, a highly readable book that explains what we know — based on the evidence — about how to keep kids from joining gangs.

Changing Course explores issues such as:

  • Why kids are attracted to gangs.

  • Key child development issues regarding risks for gang-joining.

  • What schools, communities, law enforcement, public health and families can do to prevent kids from joining a gang.

    Written by some of the nation's top research experts in public health and public safety, Changing Course offers a compelling synthesis of the current state of knowledge about gang-joining. One of its goals is to help practitioners and policymakers make evidence-based decisions about gang-prevention programs and strategies.

    Co-published by NIJ and CDC, Changing Course highlights the important nexus of public safety and public health and engages readers in a new way of thinking about preventing our kids from joining gangs. By using research-based principles, we can help halt the cascading impact of gangs on kids, families, neighborhoods and society at large.
  • Click here to read more.