Veterans Who Run Afoul of Federal Laws Can Seek Rehabilitation Through Special Court
Date:  09-09-2010

Western District of New York recognizes that veterans have special problems
Those who serve in the military are often subjected to events that few civilians will ever encounter. Fire-fights, IEDs blowing up around them, seeing fellow military members and civilians killed before their eyes, and being wounded are all in a harrowing days work for U.S. service men and women.

When many military members are finally discharged, they bring home with them mental health issues and substance abuse problems as frightful “souvenirs.“ It comes as no surprise that veterans are now a sad addition to the criminal justice system.

Recognizing that veterans are not being helped by the traditional court system, the Western District of New York has set up a special court to rehabilitate veterans who are charged with some federal crimes. reported that the Veteran’s Treatment Court will provide a rehabilitation program for eligible veterans. After completing the program and being deemed rehabilitated. veterans may have their cases dismissed.

The first Veteran’s Treatment Court was started two years ago by Buffalo City Court Judge Robert T. Russell. Now other cities and states are looking into this unique program as a way to help veterans reenter their communities after serving our country. The Veteran’s Treatment Court believes that this program will keep veterans out of prison, while providing an effect way to rid them of unwanted “souvenirs.”