Juvenile Correctional Facilities’ Visiting Policies Can Effect Behavior and School Experience
Date:  04-02-2014

Study finds less behavioral incidents and higher GPAs for juveniles receiving visits
A new report from the Vera Institute of Justice, Ohio Department of Youth Services and the Public Welfare Foundation looks at how family visits can play an important role among young people locked up in juvenile correctional facilities.

The study found:

  • Youth who were visited regularly committed an average of four behavioral incidents per month, compared to six among those visited infrequently and 14 among those who were never visited.

  • Youth who had never received a visit exhibited the highest rates of behavioral incidents.

  • Average GPAs for youth who never had a visitor was 80.4, compared to 82 for those who had visits infrequently and 85 for youth who had frequent visits.

    Evidence seems to support that liberal family visiting policies can be beneficial to those engaged in the juvenile justice system and that juvenile facilities with limited visiting policies might consider implementing a less restrictive approach. Read The Impact of Family Visitation on Incarcerated Youth’s Behavior and School Performance.

    Source: Reclaiming Futures