Racial-Ethnic Fairness and Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
Date:  04-18-2014

Juvenile Justice Information Exchange introduces new section to its Resource Hub
Announcing the newest addition to its Resource Hub, the Juvenile Justice Information Exchamge wrote:

Step into juvenile delinquency courts throughout the country, and you will usually find the number of children of color who appear there are far out of proportion to their numbers in the surrounding community. For decades, they have been over-represented (and treated more harshly for the same behavior as their non-Hispanic white counterparts) at every stage of the delinquency process – from arrest, to secure detention, confinement, and transfer to the adult system. The causes are varied and have often proved resistant to change. Continue reading JJI article

To read more about the resources the JJIE Hub offers on topics such as Mental and Substance Abuse, Aftercare, Community-Based Alternatives, Evidence-Based Practices, and Juvenile Indigent Defense click here.