Massachusetts Rallies for “Jobs Not Jails”
Date:  04-30-2014

Diverse group forms coalition to end mass incarceration by creating jobs and other support programs
Reporting on a vibrant rally that saw people from diverse organizations coming together to encourage criminal justice and sentencing reforms the Boston Globe wrote:

Thirteen years ago, Larry Turner’s son, Joel, was slain in his Dorchester apartment when three young men, high on drugs, broke down the door during a robbery. One of them stabbed him in the heart. Joel was 19. Months later, Larry Turner was in court for one of the arraignments. He happened to see the mother of one of his son’s killers, charged with a crime of her own. It made him realize, even more clearly, that the young man had led a troubled life. “What we need is 24/7 community-based intervention,” he said to hundreds of people who gathered on Boston Common in the rain and cold on Saturday afternoon. “Programs that replace juvenile court and lockup, and turn around kids like Joel’s killer.”

Continue reading the Boston Globe article here.