Preparing Yourself to Relive Memories of Life in Prison
Date:  06-24-2014

Successful prison consultant faces the demons let loose by popular new prison series
Jennifer Myers works in the personal growth field and is noted for producing transformational seminars. Myers has channeled her experience as a federal prisoner into a successful prison coach and consultant business that prepares individuals (as much as one can be prepared) for life as an inmate. Myers is also a the author of "Trafficking the Good Life," the story of her life as a drug trafficker.

In a June 23 Salon Article Myers wrote about how she prepared herself to watch the NetFlix series “Orange is the New Black,” based on author Piper Kerman’s year in prison. Myer illustrates how watching the series allowed her to relive and confront the memories of the life-altering experience of prison. Most people think that once someone is released from prison they can put that time behind them forever. Myers reveals that is not always true and that it takes an incredible amount of strength to confront the demons, disguised as prison memories, that will never leave you, no matter how successful your reintegration might seem.

(Full disclosure: Jennifer Myers advertises her business on Reentry Central.)

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