In the Spotlight: Project Return of Nashville, Tennessee
Date:  07-23-2014

New Reentry Central feature recognizes successful reentry programs across America
When we asked successful reentry programs to send information on what their programs provide to reintegrating individuals Project Return sent us the following. We are pleased to share Project Return’s community reintegration program with our readers.

Project Return is a 35-year-old Nashville based nonprofit that provides: (1) pre-release planning and programs, (2) transition planning and employment training, (3) job and housing referrals and placement, (4) GED and Adult Literacy programs, (5) onsite substance abuse recovery counseling and referrals to mental health services, and (6) family support and responsibility services.

In addition, Project Return provides financial literacy education, giving instruction on budgeting, checking and savings, credit and debt, and taxes. Project Return teaches money management skills to a new group of participants each week for approximately 50 weeks of the year. Project Return has secured the use of the FDIC Financial Education Curriculum, allowing participants to gain the skills to build a sustainable financial future for themselves and their families.

Over the course of a given year, Project Return serves over 2,500 individuals. Of those, in 2013, nearly 400 engaged in Project Return’s post-release Job Readiness Program and over 300 of those participants acquired employment. The recidivism rate among Project Return clients is historically only 13%, relative to a national recidivism average of 52%. Notably, the economic benefit for each year an ex-offender remains out of prison has been estimated to exceed $72,000.

Learn more about Project Return here.

Contact Information: Morgan Lyn

Development & Communications Coordinator

Project Return

806 4th Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37210

615-327-9654 ext 26