When Clemency Does Not Come in Time
Date:  12-24-2014

Sentenced to life without parole on LSD charges, Rudd Walker dies in prison
Last week President Obama granted clemency to just eight people. Groans of frustration and sadness emanated from the office of Reentry Central’s managing editor as that news broke.

But silent tears could not be heard when Reentry Central learned that one of the 25 people that The Clemency Report listed as most deserving to be granted clemency dropped dead of an apparent heart attack on December 16 while serving life without parole on LSD charges.

Roderick “Rudd” Walker was 41 years old.

While we are happy that eight people were given a second chance, it is deeply disturbing that there are hundreds more that were ignored. Hopefully, the eight people that Obama granted clemency are just the tip of the iceberg. In any case, it is too late for “Rudd” Walker.

Read more about Roderick “Rudd” Walker here.