Lawsuit Alleges CCA Forces Female Visitors to Prove They Are Menstruating
Date:  02-10-2015

Having a sanitary pad in your pocket means female visitors are subjected to an up- close and personal strip search during menstrual cycle
The following article appeared in Nashville Scene.

More Female Visitors Allege CCA Strip-Searches to Prove They Were Menstruating


Two more women who were visiting a Corrections Corp. of America facility in Tennessee have joined a federal lawsuit against the Nashville-based private prison operator, alleging that guards at the CCA facility strip-searched them to verify that they were menstruating.

One of the women was allegedly required to expose herself to a guard for a search conducted in front of her three children.

You can read the full amended complaint here.

The two women — and three children, included in the suit on grounds of emotional distress and false imprisonment — join a lawsuit filed by attorneys at Ozment Law last month. None of the plaintiffs are identified by name. In the suit, a woman alleges that she was strip-searched by CCA guards, who said they needed to "verify" that she was indeed menstruating after they spotted a feminine sanitary napkin in her pocket. According to her complaint, she was later told that it was in line with company policy.

All the incidents are alleged to have taken place at CCA's South Central Correctional Facility in Clifton, Tenn., one of six facilities currently operated by the for-profit prison giant. CCA, headquartered in Nashville, is the largest private prison operator in the country.

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