The Sentencing Project’s 2014 Annual Report Is Now Available
Date:  04-06-2015

Report contains timely and valuable research on mass incarceration, racial disparity and felony disenfranchisement
Each year Reentry Central eagerly awaits the annual report from The Sentencing Project, because it is filled with valuable research on subjects key to effective criminal justice reform. Reentry Central posted many of the research reports as soon as they were made available.

For decades The Sentencing Project has advocated to bring about meaningful and progressive changes to end mass incarceration, racial disparity and felony disenfranchisement. Marc Mauer, Executive Director of the The Sentencing Project provided some of the results that The Sentencing Project was instrumental in helping to achieve:

  • The U.S. Sentencing Commission’s vote to reduce excessive drug guideline penalties and apply them retroactively to as many as 46,000 people in federal prison

  • The Senate Judiciary Committee passing the Smarter Sentencing Act to reform mandatory sentencing, with prospects for substantial reform in Congress this year

  • Collaborating with our allies to secure legislative reforms in Missouri and California to scale back the ban on access to food stamp benefits for persons with drug convictions

    Below are a list and a brief description of some reports included in the 2014 Annual Report:

    Fewer Prisoners, Less Crime: A Tale of Three States examined the potential for substantially reducing prison populations without causing adverse effects on public safety.

    Incorporating Racial Equity into Criminal Justice Reform provided an overview of racial disparities that permeate the criminal justice system and a framework for developing and implementing remedies.

    Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Juvenile Justice System took a close look at why African American youth comprise 31% of all arrested youth despite the fact that they only comprise 17% of the age cohort’s population.

    Prison Population Reductions Stalled analyzed the expansion of the U.S. prison population in 2013.

    On the Chopping Block analyzed prison closings and why they are necessary to save money without reducing public safety.

    Read more.