Moving Beyond "Ban the Box"
Date:  12-07-2015

The Legal Action Center offers four steps to expand fair chance hiring practices
Via The Legal Action Center

"Ban the Box", also referred to as fair chance hiring, is catching on as more and more jurisdictions adopt legislation applying to public agencies, private companies, or both. But is Banning the Box enough to secure a second chance for millions of workers with criminal records? In our most recent blog post, Beyond "Ban the Box": Four Steps to Build on Fair Chance Hiring, LAC’s Senior Criminal Justice Policy Associate Mark O’Brien explores recent fair hiring developments and recommends four additional steps that should be taken to support second chances for workers with criminal records.

“Legal Action Center recently celebrated implementation of the Fair Chance Act in New York City and the announcement by President Obama that his Administration would adopt fair hiring practices for federal employees,” writes O’Brien. “At the same time, more could be done to eliminate discrimination that makes it hard for workers with criminal records to find a job, even after they get an interview.”

He recommends four additional steps:

  • Eliminate unreasonable legal restrictions on employment

  • Improve background checking systems and processes

  • Provide strong anti-discrimination protections for workers with criminal records

  • Limit negligent hiring liability for employers who follow fair hiring practices

    Read the full post, Beyond "Ban the Box": Four Steps to Build on Fair Chance Hiring here.