Project Liberation: Helping Formerly Incarcerated Women Free Themselves from the Shackles of Self-Doubt
Date:  06-22-2017

Holistic approach to healing and empowerment offered to justice-involved women
From Forbes Mentoring Moments:

When Ivy Woolf-Turk went to bed, she never imagined what would happen next. At 5:30AM she heard a noise at her door and opened it to find FBI agents surrounding her and her home at gunpoint, telling her that she was under arrest for conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud. And that morning, approximately 10 years ago, she never dreamed she’d be doing what she’s doing today.

In our Mentoring Moments podcast, Woolf-Turk shares her vulnerable stories about how she went from a privileged life to federal prison (serving four years of a five-year sentence), how re-entry into the real world became the fight of her life and how discovering the power of the word “no” changed everything. Now she’s a certified professional life coach and the founder of Project Liberation, building a movement to disrupt the pathways that lead women to imprisonment, literally and figuratively. Through partnerships with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, NYC Center for Social Innovation, The Justice Advocacy Group and others, Project Liberation is opening the doors to sustainable freedom for all women. As Woolf-Turk rewrites her story and “re-rights” the system, she is also helping hundreds of women that she works with do the same. Continue reading >>>