Hope House Neighbors' NIMBY Mentality is Preventing Returning Women from Living in a Safe, Comfortable and Loving Environment
Date:  03-06-2018

Founders of Hope House continue to educate neighbors about how safe, secure housing reduces recidivism
From Vice Impact:

Topeka Sam has always been good at connecting people to opportunity – that skill landed her in prison on drug conspiracy charges, but it also led to a new life connecting formerly incarcerated women to second chances. That’s the vision of Hope House NYC, a five bedroom home in the Bronx neighborhood of Castle Hill that seeks to plug women back into society and to help set them up for future success.

“Now I use my powers for good and not evil,” Topeka Sam told VICE Impact with a laugh. “It’s about understanding the skill set you have and using that to change the world. Often [for those convicted of a crime] those skills were underdeveloped or misdirected.”

Hope House is meant to be a safe place for women to live for a year while they adjust to life outside of prison. With light-filled bedrooms decorated with inspiring art, and two communal kitchens where everyone can gather for meals, it’s supposed to feel like home.

“How can someone plan her next move when she’s really scared about where she’s living?” asked Sam. “People even think of going back to the environment that felt safer [prison].” Continue reading >>>