Traumatic Brain Injury, Prison, and Reentry
Date:  04-17-2018

Screening for TBI can lead to treatment instead of prison and recidivism
From The Denver Post:

Vinny Zecchino was hit by a car and knocked unconscious while walking to school at age 7. When he was about 12, his uncle whacked him in the head with a baseball bat.

So Zecchino wasn’t surprised when a neuropsychological screen at a Denver drug court, where he landed because of his heroin addiction, determined he has traumatic brain injury.

Through a project that began five years ago, researchers have screened 4,100 people in jail, on probation or assigned to drug courts in Denver and five other counties to find out how many have traumatic brain injury — an impairment that could impact the likelihood of their return to the criminal justice system. The results were stark: 54 percent had a history of serious brain injury, compared with 8 percent of the general population. Continue reading >>>