Connecticut NAACP and Yale Rule of Law Clinic Take State to Court Over Prison Gerrymandering
Date:  07-02-2018

Plaintiffs claim lawsuit is the first statewide challenge on this issue in the U.S.
From the New Haven Register:

NEW HAVEN — The NAACP has sued the state for what it terms “prison gerrymandering,” where inmates are counted as residents for purposes of drawing state legislative district lines in the towns where they are incarcerated, rather than at their pre-incarceration address.

Filed Thursday in U.S. District Court here by the Rule of Law Clinic at the Yale Law School and the NAACP, the plaintiffs said it is the first statewide challenge in the country on this issue.

The current district lines, according to the suit, violate the “one person, one vote” equal protection mandate of the 14th Amendment. Continue reading >>>