Michigan Families of Incarcerated Loved Ones Fight Law That Restricts Visits
Date:  04-13-2019

Study reveals people with consistent visits "were one-sixth as likely to be back in prison a year later"
From The Marshall Project:

In 1995, Michigan prison officials implemented a controversial new policy: Any inmate found guilty of two substance-abuse violations would lose all rights to visits, except from their lawyer or minister. The state prison population had grown significantly in the early 1990s, as had the use of drugs inside. Guards worried contraband was being smuggled into facilities and wanted to limit the number of outsiders coming in. Families were outraged. Thousands wrote letters, and hundreds testified in public hearings. In addition to the punishment for drug use, the state had banned any minors from visiting prisoners who weren’t their parents. That meant nieces, nephews, siblings, cousins and godchildren were cut off entirely. While prisons often take away visits for disciplinary reasons, this ban was uniquely severe and long-lasting.

People in Michigan prisons and their loved ones have been fighting the rule ever since. Continue reading >>>