One of Every 15 Women in Prison is Serving a Life, or virtual Life, Sentence
Date:  06-27-2019

Women serving life sentences increased by 20%, compared to a 15% increase for men
From The Sentencing Project:

Nationwide one of every 15 women in prison — nearly 7,000 women — is serving a life or virtual life sentence. One-third of them have no chance for parole, so their prospects for release are highly improbable. The number of women serving life sentences has grown dramatically despite declining rates of violent crime among women.


Women vs. Men

As is the case with imprisonment generally, men comprise the overwhelming proportion of people in prison for life; 97% of lifers are men. At the same time, the number of women serving life sentences is rising more quickly than it is for men. The Sentencing Project collected life-imprisonment figures by gender in 2008 and 2016. We find that during this nine-year period the number of women serving life sentences increased by 20%, compared to a 15% increase for men. Continue reading >>>