Syracuse Opens Doors for Formerly Incarcerated People with First of Its Kind Housing Especially for Them
Date:  08-28-2019

Freedom Commons strives to be the role model for other housing authorities across the country

A family of five torn apart by addiction and domestic violence will get the chance to live under the same roof for the first time when Syracuse soon begins offering public housing designed for recently released inmates.

Syeeb Howard, 36, and Marrisa Porter, 40, both served time in jail and had their children taken away from them three years ago. Now, they’re waiting for a call to sign a lease on a new apartment that will give them the chance to have their kids back.

The couple gets a second chance only after being selected among applicants to a new, one-of-a-kind apartment complex, designed to help formerly incarcerated people reintegrate into the community. Freedom Commons, located on Burt Street in the shadow of Interstate-81, will set aside 11 units for former inmates and their families. The $15 million complex, co-owned by Syracuse Housing Authority, will also have an 11-bed emergency shelter for ex-inmates. Continue reading >>>