Utah to Reduce Over 12, 000 Convictions
Date:  09-29-2019

Reductions will open the doors for criminal cases to be expunged
From Desert News:

Tony Padjen has been sober for nine years. But until last week, his past continued to be an obstacle to moving forward to new opportunities in his life. “I don’t want to make a blanket statement on it. But mostly, every time I tried to pursue an opportunity to better myself, some kind of friction was caused by my past. Sometimes I was able to work through it, sometimes it was shut down and I just had to accept that,” he said.

Padjen approached Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill several months ago to see what could be done about having his records expunged.

Last week, a reduction of Padjen’s convictions were finalized. Now, when Padjen walks down the aisle in two weeks to be married, it will be as man who no longer has to pay for his past mistakes. Continue reading >>>