Pennsylvania Governor Encouraging People with Life Sentences to Apply for Clemency
Date:  10-21-2019

Ten percent of people serving life without parole in America are incarcerated in Pennsylvania prisons
From The Philadelphia Enquirer:

DALLAS, Pa. — Through a pair of solid iron doors, past chain-link gates framed by loops of razor wire, Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman made his way into a prison gym to address a skeptical crowd in this bucolic Luzerne County borough.

About 180 prison lifers filled wood bleachers and rows of blue plastic chairs at State Correctional Institution Dallas. Some of the inmates had long white beards and canes leaning against their knees. A few had wobbled in clutching the arms of younger men for support.

They’d come to the gym last Thursday to hear the man who chairs the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons explain why, after decades of rejection, they should bother to apply for clemency — which remains the lone hope for release for the state’s 5,400 prison lifers.

It was both an unlikely lobbying effort and one of the toughest sells of Fetterman’s career. Continue reading >>>