Report: What's Happening in Pretrial Justice
Date:  11-27-2019

A state-by-state table provides pretrial changes and resources
From University of Pretrial:


Interest in pretrial justice reform continues unabated in 2019, with more system actors and policymakers speaking up in favor of moving away from wealthbased pretrial detention. This document is intended to help readers understand the variety of pretrial changes underway and where they are happening. This report offers brief descriptions of a range of work currently happening or recently accomplished and is organized into several main categories: Changing Practice, Judiciary-Led Change, Pretrial Litigation, Pretrial Legislation, Executive Branch-Led Change, Community & Grassroots-Led Change, and State & Local-Level Reports. A state-by-state table is provided at the end of the document for quick reference. These sections reflect how dynamic many system actors have become. Under Changing Practice, which includes prosecutor-led change, we have several district attorneys implementing or calling for changes to the pretrial system. Many of them were elected on the promise of bail reform, and in some cases, their work is being closely followed by community groups to hold them accountable to their campaign promises. State supreme court justices are also lending their weight to the cause of pretrial reform, whether it is through pilot programs, task forces, or support of new legislation. Jurisdictions are also sharing data on how their bail reform efforts are contributing to decarceration without a negative impact on public safety. More information on county-based pretrial practices is available through the 2019 Scan of Pretrial Practices from PJI. This publication, updated quarterly by the Pretrial Justice Institute, retains overall information over the course of a calendar year to ensure that this is a complete, standalone resource. New items are labeled after each quarter.

Read the full report here.