Survey: 52% Drop in Admissions to Youth Detention in Two Months Matches Reduction Over 13 Years
Date:  06-08-2020

While admissions into detention slowed, so have rates of release
From The Annie E. Casey Foundation:

The rate of young people admitted to detention has fallen by 52% during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new survey of juvenile justice agencies in 33 states — equaling in two months a national decline that took 13 years.

The two-month rapid decline in admissions seen in March and April 2020is reflected in an Annie E. Casey Foundation survey of jurisdictions around the country aimed at assessing the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on juvenile justice systems. Working with the Pretrial Justice Institute and Empact Solutions, the Foundation first collected data just weeks after the coronavirus arrived in the United States.

But while admissions into detention have dramatically slowed, systems also have slowed the rate at which they release young people from facilities — leaving many still living in confinement without access to opportunities or connections, and potentially vulnerable to the virus. After a burst of releases in March, the rate of release of young people from secure detention in April dropped below its pre-COVID-19 level, the latest data collected by the survey showed. Continue reading >>>