In the Wake of the Pandemic, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Sets to Release 8,000 People
Date:  07-13-2020

Those released must fit eligibility requirements
From Sierra Sun Times:

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) announced on Friday additional actions to protect its most vulnerable population and staff from COVID-19, and to allow state prisons to maximize available space to implement physical distancing, isolation, and quarantine efforts. The department estimates up to 8,000 currently incarcerated persons could be eligible for release by end of August under these new measures, further decompressing facilities.

“We’re glad the Governor is taking action to release more people. This is absolutely critical for the health and safety of every Californian. Too many people are incarcerated for too long in facilities that spread poor health. Supporting the health and safety of all Californians means releasing people unnecessarily incarcerated and transforming our justice system.” Jay Jordan, Executive Director, Californians for Safety and Justice.

CDCR’s previous pandemic emergency decompression efforts have reduced inmate populations system-wide by approximately 10,000, to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission within its facilities. Continue reading >>>