Margo St. James, Leader of the Sex Workers Rights Movement, Dead at Age 83
Date:  01-26-2021

St. James advocated for decriminalization of sex work, as well as for treating sex workers with dignity and respect
From The New York Times:

Margo St. James was an artist working as a waitress and living the Beat life in San Francisco in the 1960s when her home became a counterculture hangout. As she told The Windy City Times of Chicago in 2011, “there was a lot of pot-smoking and sex and, you know, whatever.”

It wasn’t the kind of sex that anyone paid for. But the police saw a lot of people going in and out of her house and concluded that it could be for only one reason, and so they arrested her in 1962 on prostitution charges.

“Your honor,” she told the judge, “I’ve never turned a trick in my life.”

As far as the judge was concerned, that response sealed her fate. “Anyone who knows the language,” he told her, “is obviously a professional.” Continue reading >>>