Growing Group of Prosecutors Pledging Not to Enforce Abortion Ban
Date:  05-19-2022

Elec­ted prosec­utors who work in states that crim­in­al­ize preg­nancy outcomes and abor­tions will be required to decide whether to use their discre­tion and limited resources to prosecute
From Brennan Center for Justice:

If — as seems likely — the Supreme Court over­rules Roe v. Wade, at least 26 states are certain or likely to ban many or all abor­tions as soon as Roe is over­turned. Of those states, 13 have trig­ger laws that would go into effect soon after the Court rules.

In Arkan­sas, for instance, the state’s trig­ger law would make it a felony punish­able by up to 10 years in prison for anyone who attempts or performs an abor­tion except to save the life of a preg­nant woman.

But a grow­ing group of prosec­utors is prom­ising to use their char­ging discre­tion and not prosec­ute abor­tion-related conduct if these laws go into effect.

One of the groups organ­iz­ing this effort is Fair and Just Prosec­u­tion, a nonprofit that supports elec­ted prosec­utors who are look­ing to reima­gine the justice system. Exec­ut­ive Director Miriam Krinsky answered some ques­tions about this crit­ical work. Continue reading >>>