Captive Labor: Exploitation of Incarcerated Workers
Date:  06-30-2022

Incarcerated workers are forced to work and stripped of standard workplace protections
From ACLU:

Our nation incarcerates more than 1.2 million people in state and federal prisons, and two out of three of these incarcerated people are also workers. In most instances, the jobs these nearly 800,000 incarcerated workers have look similar to those of millions of people working on the outside. But there are two crucial differences: Incarcerated workers are under the complete control of their employers, and they have been stripped of even the most minimal protections against labor exploitation and abuse.

A new ACLU report, Captive Labor: Exploitation of Incarcerated Workers, explores the use of prison labor nationwide. Here’s what we found:

Prison Labor Report Survey

  • 70% said they were not able to afford basic necessities with their prison wages

  • 64% said they are worried about their safety while working

  • 70% said they received no formal job training

  • 70% report being forced to work or face additional punishment

    Read the full report here.