Never-Before-Seen Images Show Rikers Inmates Locked in Caged Showers, Left in Soiled Pants
Date:  10-24-2022

The call to close Rikers Island is getting louder each day
From The Gothamist:

View photos here.

Take Action: Abuses on Rikers Island Must End! From Vera Institute of Justice:

Fresh images of horror at Rikers Island were made public in September, offering yet more reasons to free people from this hellish jail complex.

The pictures show people caged in tiny showers and sleeping on excrement-smeared floors. They show incarcerated people attempting chest compressions on the seriously ill, because no medical care was available. They show people without access to functional toilets being left to suffer in their own feces for hours on end. They show people being treated as though they are not human beings.

Political leaders and society must not look away from these pictures, which were included in a “State of New York City Jails” presentation for New York City prosecutors that was obtained by Gothamist. It was prepared so that prosecutors could better understand the conditions where people are being sent to wait for trial. Continue reading >>>