Inquest's The Year in Books
Date:  12-03-2022

Books that informed, inspired, and empowered us to envision a world without mass incarceration
From Inquest:

Reginald Dwayne Betts, the celebrated poet and founder of Freedom Reads, recently described books as a form of beauty in which freedom can be found. In that spirit, our team offers this list of books that are pushing us to think differently about the world we want. This is not a best-of or a holiday gift guide. These are simply works that move us, offered in the hope that they will move you, too.

When Inquest launched last year, one of our first essays was about an in-progress book. Another early reflection, from a former public defender, reviewed a book on the role of plea bargaining in fueling mass incarceration. From the publication’s earliest days, we engaged with the works of formerly incarcerated authors and others for whom books have been transformative. Since day one, our homepage has featured a bookshelf with titles that have helped us think and grow. We are fortunate to be in a moment when each week seems to bring new publications that help us better understand how the carceral state was built, how it can be dismantled, and how we can collectively imagine a world without it.

We hope that the books on this list inform, inspire, and empower you. Continue reading >>>