Fights, Beatings and a Birth: Videos Smuggled Out of L.A. Jails Reveal Violence, Neglect
Date:  06-27-2023

Brutal fights, a woman affixed to a wheelchair giving birth and her baby falling to the jail floor, and an incarcerated person trying to commit suicide are some of videos from jails
From the Los Angeles Times:

The attack begins after less than a minute. Two dozen men are milling about a rec room in Men’s Central Jail when one of them takes a swing.

Others pile on, and soon half a dozen people are punching, kicking and stabbing. There are no jailers in sight — and no sign they even notice. Suddenly, after roughly a minute, the violence stops. The attackers seem to have grown bored, or maybe tired.

For the next 10 minutes, the victim paces and tries to clean up his own blood. A few onlookers go back to working out in the corner — until suddenly the beating resumes. Continue reading >>>