Report Finds Tribal Youth Make Up Almost Half of Juveniles in the Federal System
Date:  09-12-2011

Tribal youth also more likely to be convicted of violent crimes
A new study by The Urban Institute looks at Native American youth in the federal justice system. The report, which was conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Justice, sought to explore this small and largely overlooked population and the way in which these youth are handled between tribal, state, and federal justice systems.

The authors of Tribal Youth in the Federal System note that there is a lack of information concerning these juveniles, but they were able to conclude that nearly half of all juveniles in the federal system over the past ten years have been tribal youths. It was also found that tribal youth cases are concentrated in a small number of federal districts and that tribal juveniles were more likely to be convicted of a violent offense, while non-tribal youth were more likely to be involved in pubic order and drug offenses.

To view the full report click here to go to website

Source: The Sentencing Project