One Man's Account of Grieving in Prison
Date:  04-08-2024

Experiencing the death of a loved one while in prison brings a range of emotions, especially when you can't say your final goodbye
From Inquest:

“Bad news, huh?” I knew the answer before I asked. A surprise visit on a Thursday afternoon was foreboding on its own, and my fears were confirmed when I laid eyes on my brother. Lou nodded and I saw death all over his face. His eyes were circled by darkness like the reaper himself, and his attempt at a smile was closer to a wince. He couldn’t put words to the pain he was in, and I didn’t force him to. The face of death said it all. It was my mother. I dropped my head and waited, expecting the pain to wash over me.

Ma. Not alive. Ma. Gone. I couldn’t compute it in my mind. My biggest fear had become reality. My mama passed away before I made it out of prison. My mother was dead. My mother—

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to tell you over the phone.” His words brought me back. I had been calling frequently since my mother had come down with a “bug.” With each call, I was hoping to hear that she was back at full strength. Due to a high risk for blood clots, she had been advised against vaccination, making her vulnerable to COVID-19 infection. Making me uneasy anytime she had the slightest cough. Continue reading >>>