Community-Based Study Examines Public Perceptions About Reentry
Date:  12-13-2011

East and Central Harlem public housing residents weigh in on issues concerning housing and reintegration of formerly incarcerated persons
Harlem Community and Academic Partnership (HCAP), comprised of community residents, community-based organizations, service providers, academia, and public health institution, is a New York organization that seeks to identify, and make recommendations to correct, negative social issues that are detrimental to the lives of Harlem residents. In a new study, HCAP asked residents to participate in research that sought to determine what, if any, barriers to reentry their neighbors were facing.

According to HCAP:

Study participants were asked about four specific areas for which a series recommendations, action steps, and strategies were produced. The four specific areas of inquiry included 1) their general awareness of housing access for those formerly incarcerated, 2) sources of such information, 3) perceived barriers to housing, and 4) community support for formerly incarcerated individuals to access stable housing.

The report found that: As a community of color, East and Central Harlem is persistently marginalized and affected by issues of high rates of incarceration and recidivism and poor community reintegration.

Public housing policies that directly discriminate against formerly incarcerated individuals and their families reinforce racial and socioeconomic disparities and family disintegration.

Without fair access to housing, employment, and education, formerly incarcerated individuals will likely recidivate.

HCAP invites those who read the report, which can be found by clicking on the link below, to share it with others who are advocates for successful reentry.

Click here to read more.