Charles Colson, Advocate and Friend of the Incarcerated, Dies at 80
Date:  04-22-2012

Convicted Watergate conspirator became beacon of hope for prisoners
Along with millions of people across the world, the staff of Reentry Central was deeply saddened to learn that Charles (Chuck) Colson passed away on April 21 at the age of 8o.

Known in political circles as the “Evil Genius,” Colson once proclaimed that he would walk over his grandmother to assure Richard Nixon was reelected president. Colson was sentenced to seven months in prison for his role in the Watergate break-in.

While in prison Colson sought solace in his Christian roots and became a born-again Christian. He was known to be a serious evangelical while locked up, and once he was released he founded the Prison Fellowship Ministries, as well as the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

The Prison Fellowship has been recognized as a leading recruiter of volunteers who go inside prisons to acknowledge the existence of, listen to, connect with, and minister to inmates.

Acutely aware of the limited connection prisoners have with their children, especially around holidays, Colson stated the Angel Tree project, which collects toys, books and clothing for children of incarcerated parents. The items are then delivered to the children around Christmastime, often with a brief note from their parent. Prisoners have praised Colson for his effort to keep families intact, and for creating Angel Tree.

Colson, once vilified for his cruelty and callousness, will be remembered by most for exemplifying the Christian way of life in his later years. His legacy will not be that he was a convicted felon, but rather that he was someone who used his time in prison to help others, and continued lighting the way for prisoners and their families long after he was released.

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