Lutheran Organization Helps Illinois Reentrants Stay Out of Prison
Date:  07-18-2012

Programs help keep recidivism rate below seven percent for participants
Determined to assist those getting out of prison by providing a program to break down the barriers reentrants face, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois created a program with a name that is at once powerful, and inspiring. Reentry Services for Returning Citizens is a place where formerly incarcerated Illinois residents are welcomed back, not as “ex-cons” but as citizens returning to their communities. For someone with a criminal record, a name-tag can have a profound impact on one’s sense of self-worth. “Jail bird,” or “criminal,” defines a person as he or she was, not necessarily as he or she is today. The term “returning citizen” comes with a sense of renewal and the hope of good things to come. But, the name, while an excellent choice, is not the only good thing about the program.

According to its website, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI), is grounded in the concept of restorative justice, which offers support to turn one’s life around, while holding one accountable for one’s actions. LSSI works with the community to provide the best opportunities to give returning citizens their best shot at success. Some of the programs LSSI offers include:

  • Teaching skills that enable inmates and reentrants to create housing. This program has helped over 6,000 inmates build 7oo homes for low-income families during the past 17 years. The program is supported by the Illinois Department of Corrections, Habitat for Humanity, and other non-profit groups.

  • Providing the opportunity for returning citizens to apply for Scholarship Trades Programs (STP), with organizations such as the Habitat for the Community and the Salvation Army acts as host sites. Reentrants receive a scholarship to work at a host site for 60 – 90 days, earning money and giving back to the community.

  • Teaching computer skills in a program created by LSSI and Southern Illinois University Work Force Development. The program, Employment Skills School (ESS) helps students develop the computer skills necessary for resume writing and applying for employment opportunities online. Many returning citizens have little computer skills, which keeps them from succeeding in today’s technology driven world.

  • Educating returning citizens about “Green” jobs through its Green Reentry Opportunities (GRO) program in which reentrants work with churches and the community to plant community gardens. The bounty from these gardens go to the reentrants and other community members to help feed their families.

    Reentry Services for Returning Citizens provides case management for participants in the program. Case mangers offer a wide range of services including help in repairing family relationships. LSSI also reaches out to churches and encourages them to collect hygiene items for reentrants, a thoughtful gesture much appreciated by those who are coming back to the community with little, or no, money. Churches are also encouraged by LSSI to provide meeting space, and support for reentrants.

    According to a recent article on STLToday, a website of the St. Louis, Mo. Post-Dispatch, LSSI provides assistance to 25 jails and prisons in Illinois and is credited with keeping the recidivism rate for program participants below seven percent.

    Source: SLToday click here to go to website
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