Tool Kit Offered to Fight High Cost of Prison Phone Calls
Date:  09-27-2012

Staying connected to a loved one in prison can cripple one’s
The Center for Media Justice is offering a toolkit with helpful tips for those fighting the high cost of placing a call home from a prison or jail. Charging that states are receiving kickbacks from phone companies that have contracts with correctional facilities, the Campaign for Prison Phone Justice, members of Congress and community organizations are bombarding the FCC with phone calls and petitions demanding that the FCC look into this practice.

A recent opinion piece in the New York Times calls for the FCC to take swift action to end a policy that, instead of connecting families, serves as a disconnect, because many families simply cannot afford the high cost of phone calls. click here to go to website

The Campaign for Prison Phone Justice, a project of Thousand Kites, offers a fact sheet that claims that 60 percent of the cost of a phone call from prison are a kick back from the phone service provider to the prison. To find read how the kick back scheme works, and to see a chart of kick backs from each state click here to go to website

Source: Campaign for Prison Phone Justice (

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