New Brief Helps Identify Risk Factors for Recidivism
Date:  11-08-2012

Applying resources to those with highest risk proves to be a smart choice in reducing recidivism
The Fortune Society reports that the Vera Institute of Justice Substance Use and Mental Health teamed up with the New York City Department of Corrections to produce a new brief Using Administrative Data to Prioritize Jail Reentry Services Findings from the Comprehensive Transition Planning Project. The brief can be read by clicking on the link at the end of this article. In a fact sheet that serves as a companion piece to the brief, risk factors for recidivism are listed. They include:

  • Admission age: people who were younger than 20 at admission were more likely to be readmitted within a year of release

  • Current charge: having a top charge for either property or drug offenses increased a person’s likelihood of readmission.

  • Number of prior DOC admissions: the risk of readmission increased with the number of prior DOC admissions. However, the number of prior admissions was also related to age—with each additional admis¬sion having a greater impact for younger versus older inmates. * It is more likely that older people will have many more prior DOC admissions than younger people. Therefore, one additional prior DOC admission for younger people has a stronger impact on readmission than it does for older people.

  • Recent DOC admissions: people who had a prior DOC stay within the previous eight weeks were more likely to be readmitted within a year of release. A fact sheet concerning risk factors is offered by Vera. click here to go to website
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