Graduate Student Seeking to Interview Women Who Were Pregnant During Incarceration
Date:  07-20-2013

Research study hopes to shed light on unique needs and experiences of pregnant inmates
Reentry Central received the following email from Rebecca Rodriguez Carey. We are sharing it in the hope that our subscribers will pass this information on to clients, friends, and other organizations and agencies. A recruitment poster and further details can be obtained by contacting Ms Carey.


I am Rebecca Rodriguez Carey, a graduate student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Missouri. I am conducting a research study to better understand the experiences of former pregnant inmates.

I am recruiting former pregnant inmates to interview about their experiences with experiencing a pregnancy while incarcerated. The interviews will take approximately 60-90 minutes.

I found out about Reentry Central online and became interested in it, due to the depth of resources and connections with those who care about the social effects of incarceration.

My research will benefit society by providing a better understanding of pregnant incarcerated women's unique needs. The study is voluntary, and the responses will remain confidential. Each participant will receive a $15 gift card.

Given that potential subjects are difficult to find, and I am looking for former pregnant inmates to interview, I was wondering if this organization has connections with any women who were previously pregnant while incarcerated? Essentially, any connection with those who may be connected to women who were previously pregnant while incarcerated would be so helpful in my search for former pregnant inmates to interview. As a first year graduate student, any assistance would be great! Thanks so much!

Rebecca M. Rodriguez Carey Doctoral Student | Graduate Teaching Assistant Department of Sociology | The University of Missouri-Columbia

620-664-8067 |